Installing R packages locally

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Specifying a local library search location

Specify a local library search location.

You can use several library trees of add-on packages. The easiest way to tell R to use these via a 'dotfile' by creating the following file '$HOME/.Renviron' (watch the quotes and ~ character):


This specifies a keyword (R_LIBS_USER) which points to a colon-separated list of directories at which R library trees are rooted. You do not have to specify the default tree for R packages.

If necessary, create a place for your R libraries

  mkdir ~/R ~/R/library         # Only need do this once

Set your R library path

  echo 'R_LIBS_USER="~/R/library"' >  $HOME/.Renviron

Installing to a local library search location

Start up R:

  R                     # Invoke R

Then, from the R environment, install the packages you require while pointing at the root R-package directory of choice. This example will install from CRAN.


Installing and using a local library from a JuPyteR notebook

Click on the image.

R libpaths.png

See also

External links

source for material for this aricle

CRAN homepage

R article from Wikipedia