HPC management
Project Leader
- Stephen Janssen (Wageningen UR,FB-IT, Service Management)
Daily Project Management
- Jan van Lith (Wageningen UR,FB-IT, Infrastructure)
- Gwen Dawes (Wageningen UR, FB-IT, Infrastructure)
Steering Group
Ensures that the HPC generates enough revenues and meets the needs of the users. This includes setting fees, developing contracts, attracting new users, decisions on investments in the HPC and communication.
- Frido Hamoen (CRV, on behalf of Breed4Food industrial partners, replaced Alfred de Vries in August)
- Petra Caessens (CAT-AgroFood)
- Wojtek Sablik (Wageningen UR, FB-IT, Infrastructure)
- Edda Neuteboom (CAT_AgroFood, secretariat)
- Johan van Arendonk (Wageningen UR, chair).
IT Workgroup
Is responsible for the technical performance of the HPC. The IT-workgroup has been involved in the design of the HPC and the selection of the supplier. They will support the technical management of the HPC and share experiences to ensure that the HPC meets the needs of its users. The IT-workgroup will advise the steering group on investments in software and hardware.
- Stephen Janssen (Wageningen UR, FB-IT, Service Management)
- Koen Pollmann (Wageningen UR, FB-IT, Infrastructure)
- Andre ten Böhmer (Wageningen UR, FB-IT, Infrastructure)
- Wes Barris (Cobb)
- Addie Vereijken (Hendrix Genetics)
- Henk van Dongen (Topigs)
- Harry Dijkstra (CRV)
- Mario Calus (ABGC-WLR)
- Hendrik-Jan Megens (ABGC-ABG)
User Group
The User Group ultimately is the most important of all groups, because it encompasses the users for which the infrastructure was built. In addition, successful use of the cluster will rely on an active community of users that is willing to share knowledge and best practices, including maintenance and expansion of this Wiki. Regular User Group meetings will be held in the future [frequency to be determined] to facilitate this process.