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For some groups within WUR, Anunna hosts a CLC Genomics Server instance. We do the technical support, functional support is done by the groups themselves. So please contact Sven Warris or Theo van der Lee first in case of issues.

The current version of our CLC installation is: 24.0.2

CLC is only available through VPN.

CLC Genomics Workbench download

The CLC client is the CLC Genomics Workbench. The client can be downloaded from the website of Qiagen:

For people at biointeractions a download of the legacy version that we currently use 24.0.2 can be found in the folder: biointeractions Data\dump\CLC genomic workbench version 24.02

CLC License Server Connection

If you need to use the CLC license server, these are the credentials for that:


Port: 6200

Username : your WUR username (not haars001)

CLC license server connection credentials

CLC Server Connection

CLC Server Connection credentials:

Server name:

Port: 7777

Username and password are your WUR credentials:

CLC Server connection credentials

CLC Data Management

On the old server there was about 100TB of data in use. To force everybody to think about what they need for their day to day work, it was decided to make the old data available readonly through the OLD_[groupname] folders.

If you need data from the old location, you can copy it to to your group folder. The data transfer is done on the server, but it might still take a while to finish.

CLC User management

Access to the CLC server, floating (network) licenses and data access is all managed through groups in the Active Directory.

Managing this on Windows can be done through the "Find Users, Contacts and Groups" application, it is also available for Linux and Mac through


Everybody who is a member of RES_CLC_Allowed_Users can use the CLC server. You can also add user groups here.


There are two groups:

  • RES_CLCGENOMICSWB_7, for people in Biointeractions
  • RES_CLCGENOMICSWB_3, for people in Applied Bioinformatics

The content of these groups is automatically synced every hour with the CLC license server.

Data access

The access to folders and data on the CLC server is also managed through groups in the Active Directory. The following groups are present, and these groups can access their relevant folders:

  • RES_CLC_Applied_Bioinformatics
  • RES_CLC_Bio_Interactions
  • RES_CLC_Bioscience
  • RES_CLC_Biosystematics
  • RES_CLC_Genetics
  • RES_CLC_genomes_and_databases
  • RES_CLC_Molecular_Biology
  • RES_CLC_Plant_Breeding
  • RES_CLC_Plant_Physiology
  • RES_CLC_WUR-customer-data

Administrators can use the CLC GUI and web interface to change the settings for the folders on the server.