SLURM Compare

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Rosetta Stone of Workload Managers

PBS/Torque, Slurm, LSF, SGE and LoadLeveler

This table lists the most common command, environment variables, and job specification options used by the major workload management systems: PBS/Torque, Slurm, LSF, SGE and LoadLeveler. Each of these workload managers has unique features, but the most commonly used functionality is available in all of these environments as listed in the table. This should be considered a work in progress and contributions to improve the document are welcome.

User Commands PBS/Torque Slurm LSF SGE LoadLeveler
Job submission qsub [script_file] sbatch [script_file] bsub [script_file] qsub [script_file] llsubmit [script_file]
Job deletion qdel [job_id] scancel [job_id] bkill [job_id] qdel [job_id] llcancel [job_id]
Job status (by job) qstat [job_id] squeue [job_id] bjobs [job_id] qstat -u \* [-j job_id] llq -u [username]
Job status (by user) qstat -u [user_name] squeue -u [user_name] bjobs -u [user_name] qstat [-u user_name] llq -u [user_name]
Job hold qhold [job_id] scontrol hold [job_id] bstop [job_id] qhold [job_id] llhold -r [job_id]
Job release qrls [job_id] scontrol release [job_id] bresume [job_id] qrls [job_id] llhold -r [job_id]
Queue list qstat -Q squeue bqueues qconf -sql llclass
Node list pbsnodes -l sinfo -N OR scontrol show nodes bhosts qhost llstatus -L machine
Cluster status qstat -a sinfo bqueues qhost -q llstatus -L cluster
GUI xpbsmon sview xlsf OR xlsbatch qmon xload