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Modules in anunna

Anunna uses modules via Lmod to provide software to their users. A module configures the environment of the user and/or their jobs to enable the desired application to run. These modules are organized in "buckets" for each year. We intend to keep three buckets of software, one for the current year, one for the previous year and another for legacy software. The legacy module should contain software that is older than two years and is still used or relevant.

The point is to have a conveyor belt of software and have more up-to-date software with more modern build tools (GCC, MPI, intel), which makes the software more maintainable. The conveyor belt also enables the use of more modern toolchains (foss, intel), which will enable software to run more efficiently.

For each bucket, we intend to keep one version of software.Currently there are three buckets available

  • legacy - old unmaintained packages
  • 2023 - packages for the 2023 toolchain
  • GPU - mainly CUDA and related packages that are independent of toolchains.

Module Migration

Currently, old modules are cluttering the main modules location. At some point these modules are going to be removed and only the buckets are going to remain. The legacy bucket with all the modules is already available and users are encouraged to adapt their codes to use the modules buckets as soon as possible.

A date for the migration has not yet been set

Listing modules

module ov
module avail
module spider

Searching modules

The same commands used for listing modules can be used for searching, the only difference is that that the name of the module is passed as an argument. Like the listing in the section above, the commands provide different levels of verbosity.

module overview <nameOfModile>
module avail <nameOfModile>
module spider <nameOfModile>

Searching for keywords

As a more advanced search feature, one can search for keywords inside of modules. This is useful when searching for which modules contain a specific Python or R extension. There are bundle modules for both languages that contain a list of their extensions. Lmod will also search inside the description of the modules, which can be useful for discoverability.

This feature can be used with the following command template:

module key <keyword>

To illustrate, say that one needs to find a module with the R packager terra installed. The first step would be to load one of the buckets, for instance 2023.

module load 2023

Then, the next step would be to apply the key template above

module key terra

which yields the following results

The following modules match your search criteria: "terra"

  R-bundle-CRAN: R-bundle-CRAN/2023.12-foss-2023a
    Bundle of R packages from CRAN

Hence, one would need to load the module R-bundle-CRAN/2023.12-foss-2023a to have access to the terra package