Setting up Python virtualenv

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creating a new virtual environment

<source lang='bash'> virtualenv newenv </source>

activating a virtual environment

<source lang='bash'> source newenv/bin/activate </source>


installing modules on the virtual environment

Installing modules is the same as usual. The difference is that modules are in /path/to/virtenv/lib, which may be living somewhere on your home directory. When working from the virtual environment, the default easy_install will belong to the python version that is currently active. This means that the executable in /path/to/virtenv/bin are in fact the first in the $PATH. <source lang='bash'> easy_install numpy </source> Similarly, installing packages from source works exactly the same as usual. <source lang='bash'> python install </source>

deactivating a virtual environment

Quitting a virtual environment can be done by using the command deactivate, which was loaded using the source</source> command upon activating the virtual environment. <source lang='bash'> deactivate </source>

Make IPython work under virtualenv

IPython may not work initially under a virtual environment. It may produce an error message like below:

   File "/usr/bin/ipython", line 11
   print "Could not start qtconsole. Please install ipython-qtconsole"

This can be resolved by adding a soft link with the name ipython to the bin directory in the virtual environment folder. <source lang='bash'> ln -s /path/to/virtenv/bin/ipython3 /path/to/virtenv/bin/ipython </source>