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Computing: Calculations (cores)

Queue CPU core hour GB memory hour
Standard queue € 0.0150 € 0.0015
High priority queue € 0.0200 € 0.0020
Low priority queue € 0.0100 € 0.0010

Computing: GPU Use

Tariff per device per hour (gpu/hour)
€ 0.3000


Tariffs per year per TB

Lustre Backup Lustre Nobackup Lustre Scratch Home-dir Archive
€ 175 € 125 € 125 € 175 € 125


Tariff per node per day (node/day)
€ 30


If you are a member of a group with a commitment, then these costs get deducted from that commitment. Once you get to around 125% of your commitment we will take action to fix things.


You are running a job that needs 4 cores, 32G of RAM and runs for 90 minutes in the std quality. To run this, you over-request resources slightly, and submit a job that requests 4 CPUs, 40G of RAM and with a time limit of 3 hours. Your job is done after two hours, using at maximum 3 CPUs and 32G of RAM.

Thus, your costs are:

4 * 0.015 * 2 = 0.12 EUR for the CPU

40 * 0.0015 * 2 = 0.12 EUR for the memory

Total: € 0.24

So you are billed for the duration that you claimed the 4CPUs and 40G of RAM, not the 3 CPUs and 32G RAM you actually used.