Using Slurm
submitting jobs: sbatch
Consider this simple python3 script that should calculate Pi up to 1 million digits: <source lang='python'> from decimal import * D=Decimal getcontext().prec=10000000 p=sum(D(1)/16**k*(D(4)/(8*k+1)-D(2)/(8*k+4)-D(1)/(8*k+5)-D(1)/(8*k+6))for k in range(411)) print(str(p)[:10000002]) </source>
In order for this script to run, the first thing that is needed is that Python3, which is not the default Python version on the cluster, is load into your environment. Availability of (different versions of) software can be checked by the following command:
module avail
In the list you should note that python3 is indeed available to be loaded, which then can be loaded with the following command:
module load python/3.3.3
The following shell/slurm script can then be used to schedule the job using the sbatch command: <source lang='bash'>
- !/bin/bash
- #SBATCH --time=100
- SBATCH --ntasks=1
- SBATCH --output=output_%j.txt
- SBATCH --error=error_output_%j.txt
- SBATCH --partition=research
time python3 </source>
The script, assuming it was named '', can then be posted using the following command:
<source lang='bash'> sbatch </source>
monitoring submitted jobs: squeue
Once a job is submitted, the status can be monitored using the 'squeue' command:
You should then get a list of jobs that are running at that time on the cluster, for the example on how to submit using the 'sbatch' command, it may look like so:
JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 3347 research calc_pi. megen002 R 0:03 1 node049