HPC Advanced Course - 2017-11-09
A course for experienced users will be on the 9th of November, aiming to brush up users on techniques for submitting unusual jobs, and help provide some more helpful hints and techniques.
HPC Basic Course - 2017-10-30
A course for beginners was organised on the 30th of October, aiming to help absolute beginners to enhance their ability to use the main job scheduler, SLURM.
The slides for this course can be found here:
File:HPC basic course 20171025.pdf
HPC Teaching - 2017-06-07
A course for was organised on the 7th of June, aiming to help absolute beginners (and moderately experienced users) to enhance their ability to use the main job scheduler, SLURM.
The slides for this course can be found here:
File:Connecting with Secure Shell to the HPC 20170606.pdf
File:Submitting and monitoring jobs on the HPC 20170602.pdf